Elections for 15th Lok sabha in India are in progress. Four stages are over, just one is remaining. If we look at the overall percentage of voting it ranges between 40 to 50%. It means about 50 to 60% have not voted.
What is the reason? - Illiteracy? - Indifference? or Carelessness?
Illiteracy - We say education makes us more responsible. But here voting is comparatively higher in areas where literacy and economic status is below average! Indifference - Have we lost interest in the Politics? True but only to some extent. Seeing the current scenario a feeling of hatred definitely arises in our mind. Politics and corruption have become synonyms. When somebody says he is in politics, we look upon him with contemptuous eyes. But can it be an excuse for not voting?
Carelessness - Seems to be more true. We either go to a movie or a small trip, enjoy vacation instead of voting - thinking what difference does it make if I do not vote! Why I should waste my vote for these dirty politicians?
Think - When we have not done our simplest yet most powerful moral duty of democracy, do we have any right to abuse politicians for making mess of everything?
In Ramayana, Jambuwant has reminded Hanuman of his emense power which he was forgotten.
In Democracy, we common people are real king, we decide the fate of political leaders and there by nation.
Realize this, Wake up, Rise and Vote!
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